Big Girl Pants Necessary

I am awful at blogging. Fortunately, though, I had already written this, just hadn’t published.


What a weekend! This has been an incredibly busy year (but then again, I say this each year/I have a busy life actually). I am frequently mentally exhausted. But of course, I keep going; I’m a mother. Right now, I realize I am rambling. I felt like writing, and I wanted to share what happened this past Saturday. My aforementioned thoughts were present and so I wrote them…insert shoulder shrug emoji.

How can I put things in chrono order so that you can follow me? Hmmm…let’s see. Stay with me cause here I go:

So last Saturday (not two days ago, but last Saturday) I left home at 5 am as I do each weekend to get to my riding lesson by 6 am. Halfway there we (my 16 y. o. has begun to join me for a little maintenance work, horse groomer and my photographer/videographer) encountered a nasty accident. Yeah, 5:00 in the morning. Why are people up and out at that hour on a weekend?! Annoying…yes, I realize I also was out at that hour. Still, annoying. Needless to say, we were going to be late. I called my trainer; told her our situation and she canceled my lesson. We were halfway there. I was so upset. But what could I do? So, we went back home. Sunday, I had every intention of getting there early and waiting in my car until my lesson time. Guess what time I left Sunday morning? Yeah, you would think an hour earlier, but I just couldn’t get out of the bed. Instead, I gave myself 30 minutes to get out the door instead of my usual hour- that means up at 4 and out the door at 4:30am (my trainer is an hour drive). These friggin drivers…another accident 5 in the a.m. Couldn’t believe it. Now it’s not my fault, I’m thinking. This is all out of my control. First, I texted my trainer to explain my situation. No response. I called. No answer. Finally, she responded, “if you’re not here by 6, don’t come.” Dang girl…why you gotta be like that?! No, I didn’t say that to her…lol. But I got off the freeway and found a street route. I was a few minutes late. Yes, I had the nerve to use my key and enter anyway. She was pretty scary actually. She didn’t yell but she was pissed and said, “I’m angry!” I never ever, ever want to experience this again.” Things were said by the both of us. I persisted in explaining and trying to get her to relent…dang lady. But she wasn’t having it. I left feeling upset and defeated and not understanding the lesson. I continued to think about this and finally understood that we were coming from two very different perspectives. Me?… stuff happens, out of my control. I left early and something still happened. Her?…time is money. If you’re late now, you’ll be late to a show and that will cost us a lot of money. Ding ding ding…I GOT IT!